
SpaceWire IP核


Product Overview

SpaceWire IP核是VHDL內核,它實現了具有AXI管理接口的完整、可靠和快速的SpaceWire編解碼器,為FPGA和可配置的SoC器件進行合成。


該IP核可以在沒有“目標地址”的點對點鏈接中運行到數據包級別。它的設計符合ECSS-E-ST-50-12C。SpaceWire IP支持通用和快速兩種實現模式,其中發送器被設計為支持比特率高達5倍系統時鐘頻率。


以下Xilinx FPGA系列支持SpaceWire IP:


Ultrascale +(Zynq MPSoC,Kintex,Virtex)

通過利用新的Xilinx Vivado工具,可以將SpaceWire IP無縫集成到您的FPGA設計中,該工具允許在圖形用戶界面中使用IP內核並以簡單的方式配置IP參數。


  • Rx比特率高達系統時鐘頻率的x4
  • Tx時鐘頻率在100MHz-625MHz之間
  • 單獨的時鐘域


  • Tx FIFO深度完全可配置:從64字節到16384字節
  • RX FIFO深度完全可配置:從64字節到16384字節


  • AXI流(數據)
  • AXI-4 Lite(配置和管理)


  • 高達200Mbps的鏈接速度
    SoC-e的SMARTcia板可支持SpaceWire IP核,專用於空間環境的一個平台,可滿足當前法規要求。


Keeping up with the times and innovating - Explore more potentials of TSN with Hongke

Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a new generation of network technology based on the evolution of the standard Ethernet architecture. It takes traditional Ethernet as the network foundation and provides a data link layer protocol specification for deterministic data transmission capability through mechanisms such as clock synchronization, data scheduling, and network configuration. Compared with traditional Ethernet, TSN can provide microsecond-level deterministic services, reduce the complexity of the entire communication network, and realize the convergence of information technology (IT) and operation technology (OT). With its precise clock synchronization, deterministic traffic scheduling, and intelligent and open operation and maintenance management framework, TSN can ensure the high-quality transmission of multiple business traffic in a common network, and it has both performance and cost advantages, and it is the development trend of the future network. This is the future trend of network development.

Currently, TSN technology has a high level of discussion in the automotive, industrial, rail transportation, and aerospace fields. As a non-vendor-bound real-time communication protocol, we believe that TSN technology has a good application prospect.

Welcome to contact us to explore and learn the integration of TSN technology with various industries, and actively promote more applications on the ground to jointly build a new world of intelligent interconnection.

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