
E-Val Pro 有線熱電偶系統


  • 用於熱驗證的E-Val Pro熱電偶系統體積小重量輕,在受控環境中非常易於操作。熱電偶系統還符合FDA法規和GAMP準則,被設計為任何熱驗證過程的理想解決方案。
  • 受密碼保護的安全模塊可以處理多達40個熱電偶,而大容量內部存儲器一次最多可以保存10個檢查。有線熱電偶系統具有內置的8小時電池,可以用作獨立設備,也可以通過LAN / USB連接到PC。
  • E-Val Pro配備可互換的傳感器陣列,可輕松卸下進行維修和校準。



工作範圍:5°C 至50°C溫度: 
Environment:0 – 90% RH,非冷凝Measurement range:-200 至+1,300 °C(準備用於-270 °C 至+1,820 °C)取決於感測器類型
取樣率:1 秒到24 小時測量範圍(T 型):-200 至+400°C
Weight:3.0 kg(包括電池和40個通道)環境溫度為23 °C 時的測量精度:± 0.05 °C 介於-100 和+400 °C 之間/ ± 0.1 °C 介於-200 和<-100 °C 之間
電氣防護等級:IP40環境溫度為23 °C 時的總系統精度:± 0.10 °C 在-50 和+150 °C 之間(T 型)
能量消耗:小於9 w(40 個溫度感測器)解析度:0.01℃
容量:40 個通道10 個會話8 小時內的1 秒取樣率壓力: 
頻道數:40個通道Measurement range:0 至4 Bar ABS
Time: 測量精度:± 0.15% FS
時間精度:± 1 秒每24 小時解析度:1 Bar
  Measurement range:4-20mA 或0-10V

Sensor Options

Key Benefits and Features

  • 輕巧緊湊的模塊
  • 單獨的冷端補償
  • 易於處理和從學習轉移到學習
  • 每個模塊最多 40 個傳感器
  • USB連接器
  • 圖形界面和觸摸顯示
  • 密碼保護模塊
  • 由於沒有風扇,適合無塵室
  • 單機功能


ValSuite software is the industry's leading verification and calibration software and is highly credited with countless reporting options, impeccable data integrity, user calibration options and data analysis capabilities.


The software is used to run all of ELLAB's hardware and can combine various measurement systems into a unified study. In addition to its wide range of features, ValSuite complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and is designed according to the GAMP guidelines. In addition, the software automatically generates PDF reports with clear pass/fail indications and can be run on stand-alone PCs or networked computers.

✓ Complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11
✓ safe and reliable
✓  Windows Security Options
✓ Compatible with Windows 10
✓ Available in multiple languages
✓ Suitable for various applications
✓ Multiple Reporting Options

  • One software platform for all Ellab devices
  • Combine TrackSense data logger and E-Val Pro wired thermocouple system in the same session
  • Automatic PDF report generation with clear pass/fail indication
  • Runs on standalone PC or network



Environmental test chambers are suitable for a variety of applications: product shelf-life, stability and packaging testing, light and temperature assessment studies, electronic component aging, plant growth, and more.

They are characterized by precise control of parameters such as temperature and relative humidity.


為了確保您的製程持續提供安全和無菌的結果,您的高壓滅菌器必須符合既定的標準和規範(EN 285 和 ISO 17665)。為了成功做到這一點,高壓滅菌器需要定期進行鑑定和驗證,以證明它們在合格的參數範圍內進行滅菌,從而提供完全清潔和無菌的材料和設備。




乾熱滅菌(或去熱原)是一種旨在透過使用溫度範圍為 160°C 至 400°C 的熱空氣來降低熱原水平的過程。

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