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LIBERO Cx 系列 PDF 數據記錄儀
LIBERO C PDF 數據記錄儀可幫助您管理從始至終每一個生命科學應用:API、臨床試驗、全球站點到患者。 從藍牙® 或 PDF 數據記錄儀中進行選擇,以滿足您的需求。
The most comprehensive and versatile family of data loggers for cold chain quality control
Measurement of each Life Science temperature requirement -200 °C to +200 °C
Measures humidity, particles, pressure, carbon dioxide, light and inclination.
Wired or wireless options: Real-time Internet of Things, PDF Recorder, Bluetooth®, and more.
liberoMANAGER software for process automation and performance analysis
GxP compliance from start to finish: ISO, NIST, IATA and GAMP5
Multi-level alarm standards and easy budget stability management
LIBERO Product Stability Monitoring in Transportation
LIBERO PDF Data Logger
The easiest and fastest way to monitor thousands of cold chain shipments with no installation or configuration required. ELPRO's proven line of PDF recorders covers the full range of life science monitoring products in transportation, including refrigeration, CRT, dry ice, humidity and cryogenics.
- Measurement range: -200 °C to +200 °C
- Measurement: Temperature, Humidity
- Single use, multiple use
- Battery Powered (Lithium Free)
- Reading: embedded alarm statistics, graphs and raw numbers
- The PDF report is based on
Model Selection
PDF recorder with internal NTC probe
Measurement range: -30 °C to +70 °C

- Single-use
- PDF Report: Alarm Statistics and Charts
- Alarm: Level 2
- Lifespan: 12 months
- Alarms on MKT
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- Free software: elproVIEWER
Multi-stage PDF recorder with internal NTC probe
Measurement range: -30 °C to +70 °C

- Single-use
- PDF Report: Alarm Statistics and Charts
- Alarm: Level 8
- Lifespan: 12 months
- Alarms on MKT
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- Free software: elproVIEWER
PDF recorder with internal probe for directional placement in dry ice
Measurement range: -95 °C to +50 °C

- Single-use
- PDF Report: Alarm Statistics and Charts
- Alarm: Level 8
- Lifespan: 12 months
- Alarms on MKT
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- Free software: elproVIEWER
帶有藍牙®的 LIBERO PDF 記錄儀
免提無線數據通信在減少人為錯誤和自動化流程方面具有許多優勢。 帶有藍牙® 的 LIBERO Cx PDF 記錄器支持冷凍和幹冰容器監測。 LIBERO CL 是冷藏或 CRT 運輸箱、冷藏或冷凍監測以及熱繪圖的完美長期解決方案。
帶有 USB 接口的 PDF 記錄儀,用於外部 Pt100 溫度探頭
測量範圍:-200 °C 至 +400 °C

- 參數:溫度
- 多次使用:啟動/停止或循環模式
- PDF Report: Alarm Statistics and Charts
- Alarm: Level 8
- 讀取:USB 或藍牙®
- 使用壽命:3年
- 電池:紐扣電池(符合 IATA)
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- 應用程序:iOS 和 Android
帶有 USB 和藍牙®低功耗 (BLE) 接口的 PDF 記錄儀,帶有內部溫度探頭
Measurement range: -30 °C to +70 °C

- 參數:溫度
- 多次使用
- PDF Report: Alarm Statistics and Charts
- Alarm: Level 8
- 讀取:USB 或藍牙®
- 使用壽命:14個月-3年 (取決於藍牙使用情況)
- 電池:紐扣電池(符合 IATA)
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- 應用程序:iOS 和 Android
帶有 USB 和藍牙®低功耗 (BLE) 接口的 PDF 記錄儀,帶有內部溫度探頭
測量範圍:-30 °C 至 +70 °C,0% RH 至 100% RH

- 參數:溫度、濕度
- 多次使用
- PDF Report: Alarm Statistics and Charts
- 報警:8個溫度區,兩個濕度閾值
- 讀取:USB 或藍牙®
- 使用壽命:14個月-3年 (取決於藍牙使用情況)
- 電池:紐扣電池(符合 IATA)
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- 應用程序:iOS 和 Android
LIBERO Cx BLE 應用程序讓您可以通過任何移動設備對您的冷鏈運輸有全面的了解和控制。通過藍牙® 連接,輕松無線管理穩定性預算、下載報告、管理警報、發布貨物、停止/啟動和配置數據記錄儀。 立即從 Google Play Store或 iOS App Store 免費下載該應用程序。

LIBERO 電子指示器
對於某些供應鏈應用,電子溫度指示器是一種經濟高效的選擇。 WHO 批準的 LIBERO ITS 和 LIBERO CI 是疫苗、醫療器械、樣本收集和直接面向患者的臨床試驗的絕佳選擇。
了解有關 LIBERO ITS 的所有信息,該設備已被批準為 WHO PQS E006 資格預審設備。
Measurement range: -30 °C to +70 °C

- 一次性使用(可多次讀取)
- 報告:帶有報警統計數據和圖表的 PDF
- 報警:6級
- 讀取:無線
- 使用壽命:5年
- Alarms on MKT
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- 分析軟件:liberoMANAGER
帶內部探頭的多級 PDF 指示器
Measurement range: -30 °C to +70 °C

- Single-use
- 報告:帶有警報統計信息的 PDF(指示器=無圖表)
- Alarm: Level 8
- 讀取:USB
- 使用壽命:12個月
- Alarms on MKT
- GAMP5 Verification
- Complies with FDA 21 CFR 11
- Free calibration certificate
- 分析軟件:liberoMANAGER
LIBERO Cx 系列的下一個級別: LIBERO Cloud 中央 SaaS 數據庫
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Collecting individual reports on a server is cumbersome and can leave you exposed during an audit. Archive your transportation reports The LIBERO Cloud database provides you with valuable and intelligent data insights that enable you to control costs and optimize your supply chain.
With LIBERO Cloud, actionable data you can trust is at your fingertips. Combine any ELPRO LIBERO Cx Series PDF data logger with our industry-leading liberoMANAGER Cloud database software for the ultimate in cold chain data management.
LIBERO G 移動物聯網實時監控

LIBERO 系列的一部分包括 LIBERO Gx 移動物聯網。 24/7 全天候訪問貨物位置和條件,包括溫度、濕度、光線、傾斜度和沖擊。 1 年的電池壽命可在全球範圍內更長時間地保護您的藥品運輸。
LIBERO Gx 系列經過 100% 校準和合規; 無需 DGR 聲明的飛行證明; 具有最大的測量範圍,可用於 -30 °C 至 +70 °C 的實時狀態監測。
ELPRO Customer Stories
A global pharmaceutical company realized significant savings after implementing LIBERO CS and the trip subsidy model.
Reduce CRT shipments 38%
0 %
Reduced shipment deviation from 2-8°C by 77%!
0 %
Save 11,000 hours of trip assessment workload per year
Annual savings in lost sales amounted to $61 million!
0 Ten thousand dollars.
Free configuration software
The LIBERO Cx PDF recorder can be pre-configured for your convenience and provides a complete delivery solution to carry out. ELPRO also offers free software downloads for liberoCONFIG and SmartStart to set up your own temperature profiles. It's just another way ELPRO is a long-term supportive partner.

LIBERO Cx Applications
Looking for other ELPRO solutions?
ECOLOG Network Monitoring
GxP-compliant, scalable environmental monitoring systems for warehouses, laboratories and cleanrooms - from simple to integrated enterprise solutions.
LIBERO Stability Monitoring
GxP-compatible cold chain monitoring for any temperature range, with options ranging from simple pre-configured indicators to powerful database solutions.
Independent monitoring of rooms and equipment
GxP-compliant temperature and temperature/humidity monitoring of rooms and systems - a simple and flexible solution that works offline and requires no power.
Services GxP Compliance Consulting and Support
Do you need help with certification or maintenance of your system, room or facility? Learn more about the various GMP services we offer.