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TrackSense Pro 多點讀數台

Multi-point readers
TrackSense Pro Multi Reader Station 的設計考慮到了靈活性和速度。該站有 4 個記錄器位置,並通過 USB 連接到 PC。通過使用 USB 端口,可直接從您的 PC 供電,從而減少對外部電源的需求。現在可以在幾秒鐘內啟動和讀取記錄器。可以同時啟動或讀取 16 個記錄器,從而節省時間,尤其是在一項研究中必須啟動 160 個數據記錄器時。
TrackSense Pro 記錄器通過感應進行通信,大大提高了數據傳輸的速度和可靠性。可以在不到十分鐘的時間內下載來自多個記錄器的數千個數據點。該軟件將自動循環通過它位於站中的每個記錄器,使操作員能夠在數據傳輸過程中走開。
通過 LAN 連接到大型 IT 系統
TrackSense Pro 3.1 G Multi Reader Station 配備了 LAN 連接,允許遠程訪問並與ValSuite 軟件集成 到大型 IT 系統中,例如:
- 具有中央服務器數據庫的客戶端服務器解決方案,例如 Citrix 解決方案
- 虛擬服務器和遠程桌面
- 雲解決方案,例如 Amazon Web Service (AWS)
- Technical Parameters
Multi-point readers | |
Working temperature: | 5~50℃ |
電源: | 5V 外部轉接器100-240V AC,50-60 Hz 或USB |
Environment: | 0-90% RH,非冷凝 |
讀卡機/記錄器通訊: | 見介紹 |
電腦接口: | USB / LAN 連接 |
容量: | 一次1 -4個記錄器 |
擴展: | 多達4 個模組 |
擴展能力: | 一次最多16 個記錄器 |

Key Benefits and Features
- 具有中央伺服器資料庫的用戶端伺服器解決方案,例如Citrix 解決方案
- 虛擬伺服器和遠端桌面
- 雲端解決方案,例如Amazon Web Service (AWS)

ValSuite software is the industry's leading verification and calibration software and is highly credited with countless reporting options, impeccable data integrity, user calibration options and data analysis capabilities.
The software is used to run all of ELLAB's hardware and can combine various measurement systems into a unified study. In addition to its wide range of features, ValSuite complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and is designed according to the GAMP guidelines. In addition, the software automatically generates PDF reports with clear pass/fail indications and can be run on stand-alone PCs or networked computers.
✓ Complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11
✓ safe and reliable
✓ Windows Security Options
✓ Compatible with Windows 10
✓ Available in multiple languages
✓ Suitable for various applications
✓ Multiple Reporting Options
- One software platform for all Ellab devices
- Combine TrackSense data logger and E-Val Pro wired thermocouple system in the same session
- Automatic PDF report generation with clear pass/fail indication
- Runs on standalone PC or network
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