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TrackSense Pro Sky接入點

與標準無線接入點相比,Sky 接入點具有許多優勢。
專有無線協議顯著降低了無線電數據記錄器的電池消耗。Sky Access Point 拒絕所有其他無線設備,大大提高傳輸成功率和安全性。
- Technical Parameters
SKY接入點 | |
Working temperature: | 5°C 至50°C / 41°F 至122°F |
Environment: | 0-90% RH,非冷凝 |
容量: | 每個會話1-12 個天空存取點/處理多達64 個Sky模組(記錄器)/128 個通道 |
傳輸速率: | 5、10 或60 秒適用於16 個天空區塊 10 或60 秒適用於32/64 天空模組 |
電腦接口: | 透過乙太網路或USB 連接PC |
電源: | USB 連結或12-36 VDC 電源 |
狀態指示燈: | LED |

Key Benefits and Features
- 即時數據通訊
- 連接穩定
- 不會遺失數據
- 與各種TrackSense Pro 數據記錄器相容

ValSuite software is the industry's leading verification and calibration software and is highly credited with countless reporting options, impeccable data integrity, user calibration options and data analysis capabilities.
The software is used to run all of ELLAB's hardware and can combine various measurement systems into a unified study. In addition to its wide range of features, ValSuite complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and is designed according to the GAMP guidelines. In addition, the software automatically generates PDF reports with clear pass/fail indications and can be run on stand-alone PCs or networked computers.
✓ Complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11
✓ safe and reliable
✓ Windows Security Options
✓ Compatible with Windows 10
✓ Available in multiple languages
✓ Suitable for various applications
✓ Multiple Reporting Options
- One software platform for all Ellab devices
- Combine TrackSense data logger and E-Val Pro wired thermocouple system in the same session
- Automatic PDF report generation with clear pass/fail indication
- Runs on standalone PC or network
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