
TrackSense Pro-Bowie Dick傳感器

Bowie Dick傳感器

這款高度緊湊的 Bowie Dick 傳感器是市場上唯一一款專為 121 °C 工藝設計的電子測試設備,必要時還可達到 134 °C。該傳感器比以前更深入地了解關鍵滅菌參數,使其成為任何蒸汽滲透研究的關鍵工具。




該設備非常易於使用,幾乎不需要培訓。只需在軟件中單擊一下,該裝置就會開始測量和記錄數據。Bowie Dick 測試程序完成後,只需將設備放回閱讀器站,軟件將自動處理數據並提供測試結果——簡單易行!


The TrackSense Pro DataCORDER series is equipped with an interchangeable sensor option that unlocks multiple measurement parameters:


✓ Temperature

✓ Pressure

✓ Conductivity

✓ Relative Humidity

✓ Vacuum

✓ Vapor penetration



Sensors with this logger configuration:BOWIE DICK感測器具有此感測器配置的記錄器:LAN 3G
ISO標準合規性:11140-4:2007 121 °C 和134 °C 下的B1、B2 和B3 型Working temperature:-20 至+150°C
第三方測試機構:SAL有限公司Operational pressure:0.001 mBar 至10 Bar ABS
滅菌器類型:根據EN 285(容積大於60 L)和EN ISO 17665(濕熱高壓滅菌器),蒸氣滅菌/高壓滅菌器符合121°C 或+134°C 滅菌要求Surface material:316 Liter Stainless Steel
Measurement Principle:壓阻/電阻Diameter of the logger:25mm
感測器類型:應變片/ Pt1000Recorder length:100.2 毫米,含PCD (30 毫米)
Temperature measurement range:0 至+140 °C(校準+25 至+140 °C)With battery weight:208g
溫度精度:+25 至+140 °C:± 0.05 ℃Memory capacity:120,000 個數據點/30,000 個樣本值
溫度響應時間: Minimum sampling rate:1s
T-63%0.8 sMaximum sampling rate:24h
T-90%:1.7 sMaximum startup delay:14 days
壓力測量範圍:10 mBar至6 BarBenan:Ex II1GD Ex ia IIC T3 Ga,-50 °C ≤ Tamb ≤ +105 °C
Precision:± 0.25% 滿量程(± 15 mBar)Time accuracy:±5s/24h
PCD 外殼材質:PEEKBattery:TSP Standard Battery
  請注意:如果設備在ATEX 環境中使用,則必須考慮ATEX 憑證第17 節中規定的安全使用的特殊條件。

Sensor Options

Key Benefits and Features

  • One Logger - Multiple Sensor Options
  • Conforms to 21 CFR Part 11
  • Real-time data of SKY module
  • User-friendly verification software
  • Works with E-Val Pro thermocouple system


ValSuite software is the industry's leading verification and calibration software and is highly credited with countless reporting options, impeccable data integrity, user calibration options and data analysis capabilities.


The software is used to run all of ELLAB's hardware and can combine various measurement systems into a unified study. In addition to its wide range of features, ValSuite complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and is designed according to the GAMP guidelines. In addition, the software automatically generates PDF reports with clear pass/fail indications and can be run on stand-alone PCs or networked computers.

✓ Complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11
✓ safe and reliable
✓  Windows Security Options
✓ Compatible with Windows 10
✓ Available in multiple languages
✓ Suitable for various applications
✓ Multiple Reporting Options

  • One software platform for all Ellab devices
  • Combine TrackSense data logger and E-Val Pro wired thermocouple system in the same session
  • Automatic PDF report generation with clear pass/fail indication
  • Runs on standalone PC or network


Bowie Dick 測試

為了確保您的製程持續提供安全和無菌的結果,您的高壓滅菌器必須符合既定的標準和規範(EN 285 和 ISO 17665)。為了成功做到這一點,高壓滅菌器需要定期進行鑑定和驗證,以證明它們在合格的參數範圍內進行滅菌,從而提供完全清潔和無菌的材料和設備。


為了確保您的製程持續提供安全和無菌的結果,您的高壓滅菌器必須符合既定的標準和規範(EN 285 和 ISO 17665)。為了成功做到這一點,高壓滅菌器需要定期進行鑑定和驗證,以證明它們在合格的參數範圍內進行滅菌,從而提供完全清潔和無菌的材料和設備。

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