
RedisInsight: the best
Redis GUI

Welcome to the completely redesigned open source RedisInsight 2.0 for development with Redis.
thereby increasing productivity and time series.

Simplify Your Redis Application Development

edisInsight provides an intuitive Redis management GUI to help optimize your use of Redis in your applications. It supports Redis Open Source, Redis Stack, Redis Enterprise Software, Redis Enterprise Cloud, and Amazon ElastiCache. edisInsight now features a new technology based on the popular Electron framework RedisInsight now features a new technology based on the popular Electron framework. It is cross-platform, supporting Linux, Windows, and MacOS.


RedisInsight is a desktop manager that provides an intuitive and efficient GUI for Redis, allowing you to interact with the database, monitor and manage your data.

Visualizing and Interacting with the Redis Database

Scan existing keys, add new keys and perform CRUD or batch operations. Display objects in a beautiful JSON object format and support user-friendly keyboard navigation.

Built-in support for Redis modules

Query, visualize, and interactively manipulate graph, stream, and time series data. Use the multi-line query editor to construct queries, explore results, optimize and quickly overlay. Support for JSON, Search, Graph, Streams, Time Series and RedisGears.

Memory Analysis for Redis

Analyze memory usage with key patterns, expired keys, and advanced searches to identify memory problems without impacting Redis performance. Use recommendations to reduce memory usage.

Tracking Redis Commands

Recognize top keys, key patterns, and commands. Filter by client IP address, key, or command for all nodes in the cluster. Efficiently debug Lua scripts.

Intuitive CLI

When the GUI isn't enough, our command line interface utilizes the Redis CLI to provide syntax highlighting and autocompletion, and integrated help to provide intuitive, real-time help.

Managing Redis

Drill down into real-time performance metrics, check for slow commands, and manage Redis configurations directly through the interface.

For more information, please contact us!

Contact Hongke to help you solve your problems.

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