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H0430 RS485輸出的溫度變送器和調節器

- Technical Parameters
- Delivery list
Measurement parameters
Dual State Signal
Temperature Sensor
Measurement range: -30 to +80 °C
測量精度:±0.4 °C
Resolution: 0.1 °C
Relay Output
Quantity: 2
Maximum voltage: 50 V
Maximum current: 2 A
Maximum power: 60 VA
Binary Input
Quantity: 3
Binary input signals: dry contact, open collector or binary voltage signals.
The inputs are not isolated.
Minimum pulse duration for binary input: 500 ms
開路觸點上的電壓:< 3,3 V
Low voltage level: 0 to +0.5 V
高電壓等級:+3,0 至 +30 V
General Technical Data
Operating temperature: -30 to +80 °C
Audible alarm: via built-in buzzer - switchable
Output: RS485
Humidity sensor temperature compensation range: covers all temperature ranges
Communication protocols: ModBus RTU, ARION, Advantech ADAM
Battery: 9-30 Vdc
Protection level: IP65 for electronic equipment; IP40 for sensors.
尺寸:136 x 159 x 45 mm; 外部探頭長度/直徑 88/18 mm
重量: 約 500 g
Warranty: 3 years
- H4030
- Operator's Manual
- Traceable calibration certificate
- Free software for configuring the transmitter TSensor