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H3530 帶以太網接口和繼電器的溫濕度計,濕度計

Measurement data can be processed and analyzed in the following ways:
Online Processing on COMET Cloud
Processing with COMET Database Software
Integrating data into third-party systems
Warranty: 3 years
- Technical Parameters
- Delivery list
Measurement parameters
Relative Humidity
Count (Dew Point...)
Dual State Signal
Temperature Sensor
Measurement range: -30 to +80 °C
Measurement accuracy: ±0.4°C
Resolution: 0.1 °C
Humidity Sensor
Measurement range: 0 to 100 % relative humidity
Measurement accuracy: ±2.5 % relative humidity (5 to 95 % at 23 °C)
Resolution: 0.1% Relative Humidity
outdoor spot
Measurement range: -60 to +80 °C
Measurement accuracy: ±1.5 °C at ambient temperature T 30 %.
Resolution: 0.1 °C
Relay Output
Quantity: 2
Maximum voltage: 50 V
Maximum current: 2 A
Maximum power: 60 VA
Binary Input
Quantity: 3
Binary input signals: dry contact, open collector or binary voltage signals.
The inputs are not isolated.
Minimum pulse duration for binary input: 500 ms
Voltage on open contacts: < 3.3 V
Low voltage level: 0 to +0.5 V
High voltage level: +3.0 to +30 V
General Technical Data
Operating temperature: -30 to +80 °C
Channel: Built-in temperature and humidity sensor
Audible alarm: via built-in buzzer - switchable
Measurements: Dew point, Absolute humidity, Specific humidity, Mixing ratio, Specific heat
Output: Ethernet
測量間隔: 2 s
Humidity sensor temperature compensation range: covers all temperature ranges
Available temperature units: degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit
Communication protocol: WWW, Modbus TCP, SNMPv1, SOAP, XML
Alarm protocols: E-mail (supports SMTP authentication), SNMP Trap, Syslog
Battery: 9-30 Vdc
防護等級: IP40
Dimensions: 136 x 213 x 45 mm; stem length 75 mm
Weight: approx. 360 g
Warranty: 3 years
- H3530
- Operator's Manual
- Traceable calibration certificate
- Free software for configuring the transmitter TSensor
- COMET Cloud 3 Months License
- 交付時不包括電源