
Simulation Testing Software Solutions

PCAN-Explorer 6

PCAN-Explorer6 is the most affordable CAN bus analysis software on the market today, supporting the latest CAN FD protocols.PCAN-Explorer6 software main features include network monitoring, including message sending, receiving, filtering, saving, playback; through the purchase of plug-ins can be realized by the compilation and importation of dbc files, signal map display, dashboard display, support for VB script to create simulation nodes, etc., support for standard macro language; also supports J1939.


As of version 6, the logging function not only records the message data, but also allows the playback of existing data to the bus. Recorded and imported CAN messages can be filtered by various conditions. Special requirements and automation of the overlay process can be realized by means of macros. The VB script implementation of the overlay has access to the extensive object model of PCAN-Explorer 6.


RTaW-Pegase is a software for modeling, simulation and automatic configuration of real-time communication architectures. It facilitates the conception of secure and optimized networks: automotive, aerospace and industrial Ethernet TSN networks, CAN (FD, XL), LIN, Arinc, as well as wireless networks for out-of-vehicle communication. In addition to well-timed simulations, RTaW-Pegase calculates tight upper bounds on communication delays and buffer utilization and includes advanced automated configuration algorithms that ensure correct and optimized use of hardware and software components.


CanEasy is a Windows-based analysis and testing environment for CAN (FD), LIN and automotive Ethernet networks. The tool simulates bus traffic flow, is highly automated, and can be easily configured and extended via plug-ins.CanEasy can be used throughout the development process, from testing to debugging.
With CanEasy real and simulated Electronic Control Units (ECUs) communicate over different buses according to the communication matrix residual bus simulation. Supports UDS and XCP/CCP diagnostic functions and reading of CDD, ODX/PDX, ELF, A2L and MAP files. Trace files such as ASC/LOG and BLF can be imported directly for analysis. Due to automatic panel generation, high automation and programmability, CanEasy can be used very quickly and flexibly. It saves work, time and costs compared to commonly used development tools.


ANDi (Automotive Network Diagnoser) is a testing and analysis tool for every stage of automotive software development, requiring only basic knowledge of programming and test automation.


The tool is designed to simulate electronic networks, test components, and analyze test results.


The main advantage of the ANDi tool is the in-depth analysis and testing of the in-vehicle network.

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