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SBench 6 Interactive Measurement Software
SBench 6
SBench 6 is a powerful, intuitive and interactive measurement software that allows you to start measurements without programming and with hardware setup, data display, oscilloscope, transient recorder, analysis and export all on one page.
This easy-to-use software provides convenient and fast data acquisition and analysis functions for GBytes of analog and digital data processing and output.

- Compatible with windows 7/windows 8/windows 10 (32/64 bit)
- Compatible with Linux KDE/GNOME/unity (32/64 bit)
- Fast data acquisition with support for RAID disk arrays
- Designed to capture and process GBytes of data.
- Display of simulated data (oscilloscope), X-Y, tabular records and spectrograms
- Integrated Analysis Functions
- Input and output filtering
- Powerful Cursor Function
- Quick Data Preview Function
- Advanced drag-and-drop technology
- Thread-based program structure and speed comparable to today's multi-core technology.
- Easy-to-use window docking and shortcut menu functions
Software Features
Setup Window
All of the hardware settings of the HONGKE High Speed Digitizer can be accessed through the Option Card Setup window. All setup pages can be locked when a complete view of the configuration page is required.
FFT analysis and display
The FFT calculation function turns the same software as an oscilloscope into a spectrum analyzer, and the FFT function converts time domain signals into frequency domain signals.
Project Structure
All configurations, collection data, reports, calculations and storage files are placed in separate and distinct project paths that can be used to generate, store, archive and share complete data sets.
Scripting Tools
The scripting tool provides an easy way to use SBench 6 in an automated sequence. SBench 6 can be controlled by running an ASCII script file to accomplish some basic commands.
Acquisition and playback
SBench 6 is an interface that can be used as a display for capture cards as well as a display for source cards. The software can be used to playback analog or digital GBytes of data from various sources.
Calculation procedure and measurement results
There is a special signal window at the cursor pointer on the display page that shows some extended information. Each cursor can be locked on the signal and used to show the exact value of the signal.
Report Functions
SBench 6 includes a powerful report editing and generation feature that can be used to generate user usage reports for all components of the SBench 6 software.
Input Preview
Added to SBench 6 Professional is the Input Channel Preview window, which works by continuously monitoring the input signal at a very low sampling rate and using bar graphs and colors to display its key signal characteristics, with contrast evident when it is time to change its gain or offset settings.
Data Storage
SBench 6 software controls the entire data transfer process, both to PC RAM and to hard disk. Streaming mode allows data to be stored in different binary formats.
Digital Data Display (Logic Analyzer)
In addition to analog data acquisition and display, the SBench 6 includes a powerful digital data display function that allows signals to be grouped and data to be localized by edge detection and pulse measurement.
SDK, customizable plug-ins (optional)
The plug-in interface is an optional SDK option that allows users to add their own advanced computing functionality to SBench 6. The SDK contains interfaces and sample programs to demonstrate programming specific functionality.
Interpolation and Single Value Calculation
In cases where the sampling rate of the digitizer is limited by the accuracy of the measurement, the powerful function of interpolation can significantly enhance the parameter measurement. To enhance the measurement capabilities of SBench 6, the new formula function can now also calculate single values.
Wide range of applications

Automotive Electronic Simulation and Testing
Automotive Electronics Simulation

RF Microwave and Wireless Testing
RF Microwave and Wireless Test

Large Physics and Optoelectronics Testing
Large Physics and Optoelectronics Test
Program Resources and Technical Services
Technical Services
As a leading solution provider in the field of electronic test and measurement, we offer a full range of services including training services, project consulting and additional technical support services, testing, certification and calibration services, as well as integration and secondary development services. Regardless of the complexity of your project needs, HONGKE is committed to helping you achieve maximum productivity in the most cost-effective manner. Our professional services are designed to solve your every challenge and drive your business to excellence.

TS-DAQ Series
High Speed Data Acquisition Kit
Hi-Tech High Speed Acquisition Module Host
Standard software SBench6
Matching standard RF cables
Optional Star Synchronized Trigger Module
Optional SCAPP

TS-SAS Series
High Speed Data Acquisition Kit
Industrial Controller with PCIe Slot
AWG PCIe Boards
Digitizer PCIe Board
Programmable DC Power Supply
Signal Conditioning Module
Connecting Cables, Probes and Software